Mariana Ruiz de Medina

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The Honor of a Belt

Today, I want to write on a subject that recently took place that I don't see in many places on SCA blogs- my recent belting to Magistra Beatriz

My belting ceremony at Stierbach Baronial Birthday.

When COVID struck, I was lucky enough to spend time with a neighboring barony doing online A&S. There, I met the Laurel who introduced me to Spain. After just a quick conversation, I was fascinated and immediately started reading whatever I could find on the subject. A couple of months later, that same Laurel gave a class on Hispano-Flemish women's clothing in the time period I prefer and it sealed my love of the subject. It was these classes and conversations that inspired my work on my Tempore Atlantia project and creation.

When she saw my entry, Bea offered me some of the best A&S support I've gotten so far- she offered to read my commentary and help explain it to me. Having someone walk through the critical takeaways on a project that means that much to me helped me get on the right path to what is my home, my happy place in the SCA.

We decided to begin a relationship as student and mentor. This relationship was to last six months during which we would talk about my goals in arts and sciences, have a chance to meet the household and to finally meet in person, and assess whether a more formal arrangement would suit us. Those six months flew by, giving us a couple of chances to be at events together, have a household dinner, and give me a lot to think about about the kind of relationship I wanted to have.

My chosen family at Stierbach Baronial Birthday.

At Stierbach Baronial Birthday, we decided to make it official. We made sure Esa, my now apprentice sister, Sof'ia, Hakon, and Hrefna were all there, which is exactly what I wanted. This is a family choice and I wanted my family to be there. We did collect several others along the way, particularly from one of my new households- Oldcastle. It was really moving to see the outpouring of support from people who barely know me, but want to be a part of my journey as an artisan because the concept of chosen family is such a strong one in the SCA.

Our ceremony was simple- Bea spoke of the significance of belting and what it means for the Peer and their dependent. She spoke of our households and how I would always have a home and a family with them, and of the responsibilities of those that aspire to Peerage themselves. She closed with the following (paraphrased) quote that I really loved, "Oldcastle apprentices wear blue belts [instead of the customary green] because when you cut an Oldcastle, we bleed Atlantia."

I specifically requested a belt that would go with my persona- 15th C Spain. We also decided to do an apprenticeship contract. Both Bea and I agreed that an oath of fealty doesn't feel right for us, so we chose not to do this aspect of the relationship. Bea made me a lovely rich blue belt with gold tassels. Together, with Hakon as my witness and personal designated Big Brother figure, we signed two copies of my contract, one for me and one for her. I'm getting mine put in a frame and added to my scroll wall.

Note to self: come up with an SCA signature.