Who is Mariana Ruiz de Medina?
A bit about Mariana…
Where was she born?
Mariana was born in the year 1456, at her family’s home in Laguna de Duero- just outside of Valladolid in Northern Spain. The family’s historic origin is in Medina del Campo.
What does her family look like?
Her family consists of her husband, her father, Rodrigo Yniguez de Medina (called Ruy by his family), her mother Dulce, several brothers and sisters, and any living grandparents. Her husband and father both work at the university in Valladolid, teaching law.
How does she spend her time?
As a newly married woman, Mariana would be involved in the running of the household. Her primary residence is on an estate outside of Valladolid, where her family raises sheep and works with tenants. Her native language is Castilian, but Mariana would have also learned Latin, Greek, French, Italian, possibly some amounts of English, and (secretly) Ladino.
What is happening in her world?
In the late 1400’s the talk of the town in Spain is Fernando and Isabella’s Reconquista. In 1469, their marriage took place in Valladolid, and Mariana would have been old enough to remember it. Towards the end of the century, the Reconquista is completed with the fall of Granada and Mariana’s life will possibly drastically change with the onset of La Expulsión.
How does she relate to religion?
In Mariana’s world, it pays to be Catholic. Overtly, her entire family is, through both sides come from conversos. Mariana, Dulce, and her own mother Asera, secretly continued Jewish practices so as to keep the religion alive for a time that it would be safe to practice openly. None of the men in her family are aware of this. Mundanely, I am a practicing (though not strict) Jew. I try to incorporate Judaism into my SCA, as well as balance modern Judaism with the Catholic influences on my persona.
What does she do in the SCA?
My big thing in the SCA is persona development. I want to be the best example of a 15th-16th century Castilian woman of some means I possibly can. At events, I can generally be found browsing arts and sciences displays, attending and teaching classes, at the MOL table, or in the kitchens. Some of my SCA goals include wanting to learn more period appropriate dances and games.
Mariana’s SCA Resume
How to pronounce my name: Mah-ree-Ah-na Roo-ees (or Roo-eeth if you're feeling fancy) deh meh-Dee-nah
Preferred title: Doña
Official Awards
Positions Held
Co-autocrat of the Wild Hunt- October 2019
Minister of Arts and Sciences, Ponte Alto- November 2019-May 2022
Social Media Officer, Ponte Alto- May 2020-May 2022
Autocrat of the Virtual Wild Hunt- October 2020
Autocrat of the Virtual Wild Hunt- October 2021
Minister of the Lists- November 2021 to present
Deputy Editor for Content of the Oak- September 2022 to January 2023
Editor of The Oak- January 2023 to present
Member of the Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Guild of Atlantia
A&S Coordinator for the Coronation of Afshin and Yasamin- April 2023
Vigil Coordinator for TRM’s Mary Isabel and Ragnarr- October 2023-April 2024
Competition Accomplishments
Fall Coronation, September 2019- Archery Novice category winner
12th Night, January 2020- Baking Competition Winner
Spring Coronation, April 2023- Queen’s A&S Champion
Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival, March 2024- Persona Pentathlon Winner
12th Night 2019- kitchen volunteer
Ponte Alto Baronial Birthday/Investiture, February 2019- kitchen volunteer
Wild Hunt 2019- lead lunch-o-crat
Stierbach Baronial Birthday 2019- kitchen volunteer, deboner of 80+ quail, and the fastest batch of cheese I have ever made.
Celebration of Yule, December 2019- potluck contributor, Moorish Chicken
Archery Accomplishments
To see Mariana’s current Royal Rounds Rankings, please follow this link.
SCA Family
My chosen family are some of my favorite people in the world. You should definitely go check them all out!
Mariana’s Laurel: Magistra Beatriz Aluares de la Oya
Apprentice Siblings
Mistress Marguerite Honoree d’Cheneau
Doña Elvira de Luz
My Other Favorite People