2022: The Year of Playing Catch Up
2021 was reasonably successful on my goals for a coherent and complete closet of garb. I managed to complete the following:
The red tabardo
The red sleeves
Salome's tester cofia
2 camisas
The Domingo Ram gray saya
A goldworked purse
1 pair of calzones
A Hiberno-Norse kit that included an underdress and apron dress.
A plain cofia
Salome's tester cofia
The loba/tabardo/I'm not sure what black overcoat
Sof'ia's flannel underdress (with Hrefna)
Sof'ia's Rus style coat
A constructed chair cover
Completed construction on the Green Saya (and most of the embellishment)
The red faldrilla
The first Green Saya necklace
I lost the Red/Green dress, but that hadn't fit right in a while in the arms. I blame Evan and him getting me to the gym to lift regularly. All in all.... I accomplished a LOT in 2021, even when it didn't really feel like I did. So that's pretty cool. I am ending the year with a persona accurate wardrobe of 2 every day dresses, 3 camisas, 3 pieces of outerwear (one casual, one fancier, and one historically inaccurate shawl that's warm), 2 usable-ish pairs of calzones, 2 cofias and a good amount of stuff in progress staged for next year.
One thing I noticed a lot in 2021 was that my targets changed really regularly. What made sense at the beginning of the year simply did not make sense by October or November anymore. I think for 2022, what I'd like to do is set an endgame goal set, and then consult with that to set monthly goals each time I do a monthly post. The monthly posts kept me really accountable to actually doing things each month, while also giving me the leeway I needed to change my targets when life happened. I do plan to continue these into 2022, with additional posts for major project completion.
In mid-December, I did a big clean up of the sewing desk and SCA closet and noticed a few things. First, that I have several projects in progress that haven't gotten attention in a while because I have been so excited about the Green Saya project. Second, that I have a good stack of materials that are already designated for projects that have not yet been started. Third, that I also have a stack of fabrics NOT designated for a project that needs to be whittled down. So my priorities for 2022 are to start with the works in progress, move on to the designated projects, and find a purpose for those fabrics that have been languishing for a while and need a clean out.
Works In Progress (in order of priority)
Green Saya
Green Saya jeweled head piece (the jeweled pieces are done for this, it's just a matter of sewing them onto ribbon, should be a one day project)
Red pocketed belt flats (I only need to sew the tops down to make them belt ready, this should be a 5-10 minute project)
Black and gold cushion (this is pinned, and will be a sewing machine project, should be a one day thing)
Chair cover heraldry
Embroidered cup cover
Materials with Designated Projects (in order of priority)
White linen bundle for a cofia y tranzado in the St. Birgitta style and testing out the new braid case design concept
Silk gauze for the veil for the Green Saya. The major issue here is I need to soften it somehow to get better drape, and I don't know how do to that yet. I need to get the gold trim for this.
The new black wool for a Flemish hood for the Green Saya. I do not have the lining necessary for this yet. This project will only use up half the black wool I have for it. This hood would look really lovely with some of the green and gold trim from Crown.
Small piece of black wool recycled from the Black Kirtle for a small stomacher to go with the red tabardo. I'm still not sure I really want to make this honestly. There is a black stomacher in a painting of a tabardo that looks really nice, but it's a different style garment and I'm not sure if this would take away from my current piece at all.
Black and silver fabric from Holly will be made into a few pillows and maybe a table runner on the sewing machine. I have a bunch of scrap fabric and poly-fill for this already. This project should only be a day's worth or so.
Blue cotton sateen for a sayuelo. I really want a historically accurate piece of warmer outerwear and I think this is going to be a very nice addition. I definitely need some sort of a lining for this. I may be able to use something from my stash-I have dark blue wool recycled from the Blue Tudor, but I'm not sure if there's enough. The example image also has a contrasting trim, but I'm not sure if I want this to be a bit more casual. The fabric is really lovely on its own and I'd hate to overwhelm it.
Green wool for another Flemish hood. I need to get lining for this as well. I think the for black hood above, I'm going to use a gold silk I found, and that would work well for this hood too. The trim mentioned above would also look pretty here.
Blue upholstery fabric for a camp bench. This is a much bigger ask that will likely need Hakon's help because I am not a woodworker of any sort.
Some other projects I had been mulling about are as follows. If there is a * next to it, it means it is very aspirational and I don't think I'm going to get to it this year, but I want to have a record of it for next.
Ambiance/Camp Presence
Floor covers for both "rooms" in the tent as well as the popup.*
Two painted banners with my heraldry on them, and stands to put them on.*
A backdrop for use during SCA Zoom calls.*
Finish the chair cover finally.
Make pillows and maybe a table runner for camp.
Finish the Green Saya outfit (As of Jan 1, I still need to make: the embroidered camisa, the slippers, the belt, all three pieces of headwear, the pantoffles, and get a pendant for the second necklace)
A 14th C brial with short sleeves (red) to replace the Red/Green dress that died. This is hard to justify considering just how much blue fabric I have in my stash that needs a purpose. I'm just a bit burnt out on blue. This will get dressed up with some of the wide trim I bought at Crown.*
A blue linen brial out of the blue Allure linen I have in my fabric stash and some white linen lining. This I plan to make sleeveless, but with points at the shoulder just in case. The goal for this piece is to make it a bit more 15th C appropriate. I might consider trying some block printing on this for the first time.
Revisiting calzones. At least one more pair would be nice and I would like to reassess whether or not a drawstring is the right decision.
A wide sleeved camisa to go with the two briales above and as a tester piece for Salome's camisa.
2-3 more camisas (that will put me at 6-7 camisas, which should get me through 9 days at Pennsic with one planned laundry session).*
My goals for January are as follows. I'm sticking to small projects to try to knock a lot of those out early in the year if possible, to leave time for the bigger things later.
Finish the red pocketed belt flaps.
Finish the black and gold cushion.
Get a move on on the Green Saya