Heraldry: I Did A Thing!
Anyone who knows me knows that I do not draw. I cannot draw a good stick figure if my life depended on it. Alternatively, I am also 100% the kind of person who would slap their arms on anything and everything because why not. I got my Award of Arms at the Wild Hunt in 2019, but it's taken me a solid amount of time to come up with anything I liked enough to register.
Browsing Reddit a few months ago, I came across a picture that I loved a lot because 1) cow and 2) I fell loved the bordure. And then, true to form, I proceeded to forget about it for several months until my phone reminded me this week that I'd taken a screenshot of it. Not wanting to forget again, I went to Ponte Alto's very patient herald and asked if arms with that bordure was registerable and it was! The only thing left was to decide what went in the middle.
Green is hands down my favorite color so that was fairly easy. I knew I wanted a fairly simple charge because as I have discussed, I cannot do art to save my life. Flowers are something fairly simple, and I spend a lot of time doing flowers for my embroidery projects so a rose seemed a fitting choice as well.
Then came the hard part- drawing it. Now, I may not be able to draw, but I own a light table and can definitely trace stuff. A minor amount of Google-fu lead me to the Pennsic Art Project, where I was able to print out sheets of totally traceable, heraldic-ly correct, and properly scaled pieces to this puzzle. From there, even a dunce like me could manage to draw this.
And so, this week I sent off my submission for my arms- Vert, a rose argent, on a bordure invected ermine, three annulets or. I'll make sure to update when I have updates!