June 2021 Recap: Ooo Pretty-Shiny!
In June, the sewing goals I set myself were:
Make two sets of bragas/calzones.
Make a set of interchangeable sleeves.
June has been an exciting month! Planning really ramped up for St. Paddy's in July. I got my fabric for both of my Viking pieces, managed to find an acceptable linen scarf to use as a headpiece, and have amassed a large collection of online resources for our sew-along.
I had a few fun but unplanned-for A&S opportunities come up that definitely served as fun distractions from what I was supposed to be accomplishing.
First, an incredible embroiderer that I've been following on social media decided to put together some beginner goldwork purse kits for fundraising. I decided to grab one. It's a beautiful Tudor-inspired design, but generic enough in its elements that it's still usable for other time periods. I decided to use it on some of the green fabric I impulse bought for a veil/hood. I had just enough extra to fit them both and boy does it pop. Bonus, it's also my colors! I wrote up a quick blog post on that here.
I also finally got around to ordering the materials to do some fingerloop braiding. Both Sof'ia and I needed cords for our Opal medallions, and I wanted to use a more accurate cord for the strap and drawstring to my new purse and the lacing for my sets of bragas/calzones. I ended up getting 5 colors: a lovely blue, white, a pretty green, black, and gold. That way I can make stuff that is my colors, Atlantian colors, and Ponte Alto colors, and contribute to largess. At some point, once I get a collection of patterns going, I'll get that written up.
My nametag to wear to events with my new name!
I also decided on a name for my Spanish persona! It is not official yet, but I decided to test it out online and in-person at St. Paddy's to see how I felt about it. In order to make this a bit easier for people, I elected to embroider myself a name tag, with my full new name on it- Mariana Ruiz de Medina. If I decide to stick with this, I'll do a blog post on my thought process and choices for the name that I chose.
Lastly, I made some good progress on my embroidered cup cover! This is not the usual style of embroidery I do, so I'm going slowly and deliberately to try to make it look decent. I also need to order some more materials (a gold-colored thread and a white or off-white thread) to finish it. I'm hoping to have it done sometime around August or September, but I'm not trying to push that too hard.
As for the things I actually hoped to do: my first set of bragas/calzones went relatively quickly/well. The pattern from Margo Anderson is intuitive and logical in its build. I did the first set on the sewing machine and then finish it by hand. I have decided to do the second set entirely by hand, using run and fell seams. Once I got started on the first set, it only took a week or so to do. That said, I got started late and was apparently easily distracted this month, so I only made one set.
The Speed-Run Saya.... is still in jail. Where it deserves to be. It'll be done in July, before Stierbach Baronial Birthday on August 7th, because it feels like the right choice for that event.
July is turning into a rather ambitious month for me, but I am going to really try to push myself. Thankfully, a couple of these are relatively straightforward projects. New July goals are as follows, and in order of scheduling/priority:
Get through my Hiberno-Norse insane sew-along.
Make another set of bragas/calzones.
Make the casual loba/tabardo/I'm not sure what to call it yet garment.
Make another cofia.