KASF 2022 Debrief

Yesterday was Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival! It does really feel like things have come full circle, with it being the last event before COVID changed the way we go through life back in 2020. This was also my first opportunity to go to a KASF since I’ve started playing.

It was ALSO the first time I’ve really had to actually display any of my A&S work. I’ve done some virtual stuff, but really, at literally every event I’ve been to back in person so far, I’ve been working. Taking some time for myself and my art felt really good.

Now, I will say I brought a lot of stuff. I brought:

  • The Green Saya and it’s currently existing accessories (headpiece, necklace, and veil, as well as the book from which I got the idea and a cofia to display the headwear with.

  • The Domingo Ram Saya, its faldrilla, and a camisa to display it with.

  • Salome’s cofia tester

  • The Forest Smock

  • The medias calzas, their undersocks, and their garters.

  • My three spice blends from Nola

  • Two of the arrows I made with Naran

I wanted to just get all of that out there into the world so that going forward, I could make more focused and deliberate displays. I’m really glad I did. I got to talk to a lot of people about my work, got some great compliments and feedback, and all around enjoyed displaying. I wish I had been at my table a little more (I did a lot of wandering and looking at others’ work too), but I know for next time.

One really fun take away was an hour or so that Bea, Esa, Evan, and I spent outside lounging in the sun on a lovely blanket. Totally worth the time- it was relaxing, comfortable, and enjoyable family time.

Evan and I in our obligatory “we’re trying to take good photos but can usually find something to laugh at instead” picture

I also debuted my St. Birgitta cap+ separate, wrapped tranzado combo for the day, and I gotta say, this did the trick. It stayed where I wanted it to without falling off, it looked how I wanted it to, and it was very comfortable. I am absolutely adding this to my to make list- maybe with some stunt hair, as Bea calls it, next time. I have not greatly explored the turban looks or the wrapped braid looks, but I would like to.


March 2022 Recap: A Beautiful Month of Beautiful Things and A Lot of Wind


February 2022 Recap: And This Is How We Get Sh*t Done