May 2021 Recap: Moving Right Along
My May sewing goals were:
Finish the 14th-century saya.
Make a second set of calzones.
May was a fun month! We moved! I now have a walk-in closet for my SCA stuff! Things are (mostly) organized and I can actually use my sewing desk! Big things all around.
I realized about halfway through the month that my priorities were a little askance. First, I was supposed to be finishing a 14th-century trial piece that I hadn't even started. Second, there was going to be a class the first weekend of June as part of Colegio on bragas, which I really wanted to take before attempting my next set of calzones. Third, I had dived headlong into the Domingo Ram saya, sort of forgetting where in my schedule that was supposed to happen.
But- I finished the Domingo Ram saya! And I did it in ample time to do other things and to have it ready for Colegio. I did a blog post on that here. It left me enough time to consider a few options. I decided to do a down and dirty speed run of the 14th-century saya. Thankfully, I already knew what pattern I wanted to base this off, and this was never going to be a historically accurate piece, but rather the Anachronism part of the SCA. I had exactly enough fabric already, I had exactly the right thread, and I am able to knock the piece out relatively quickly, when I have the energy to actually pay attention to it.
My new June goals are as follows:
Finish the Speed-Run Saya
Make a set of interchangeable sleeves. I already have the patterns sketched out for three sets, but I'm not sure which I'll make first.
Make two sets of calzones/bragas after taking the class and making final pattern decisions.
I have already achieved the goal of finishing my first stocking by the end of June. This should give me the little bit of extra time I need to make two sets of undergarments, especially if I cut them out simultaneously.