October 2021 Recap: Outerwear Ordeals
October proved another busy month, but that was mostly because I added stuff to my plate that hadn't already been there.
From left to right: Hrefna, me, and Sof'ia at Crown Tourney. Photo credit: Hakon.
The goals I picked for October were:
Get as far as possible on the embellishments on the Green Saya
Make a red faldrilla in preparation for colder weather.
My aspirational goals for October were:
Knitting the second stocking.
Try to make one of the pieces of jewelry for the Love and Beauty outfit.
The Green Saya and its completed sleeve embellishments
On the Green Saya, I finished the sleeves! They look truly incredible and I think once this dress is done, it's going to be one of my favorite fancy pieces. The further I get into it, the less I consider it a test piece. There are things I would have done differently, but that's always the case with A&S. I might double back and line the sleeves, so that they're more than just one layer of thin cotton. I also got started on the neckline and bodice.
The faldrilla happened! I completed it in time for Crown Tourney on November 6. However, with the coat project, I ended up doing it on the sewing machine. I'm not thrilled with how the pleats were finished. They're not neat at all, but they do the job for sure.
I did also spend a good amount of time working on my stocking. We have 4 plane flights to and fro around the country, and I put those to good effect. I've finished the cuff portion and am making good headway down the calf. I anticipate no issues completing this by the end of the year as I'd originally intended.
The choker for the Love and Beauty outfit.
I also completed the first of the necklaces for the Love and Beauty outfit! This was made very simply with pearl ouches from Truly Hats, and some basic jewelry making supplies from Amazon. I'm really thrilled with how it came out. I think it closely mirrors the look from the painting and it's a lovely touch of decadence without being garish.
Additionally, I also made the coat Sof'ia is wearing in the Crown Tourney picture at the beginning of this post! This was a trial for sure, but most of that was because I was not organized and kept making silly errors. We patterned it using the GFD pattern I have, and made adjustments to make it closer to pictures and an extant example of Rus coats she had found. We still plan to attach buttons and some cord to make the button holes to keep it closed. However, I'm STILL bitter about how many times I had to deconstruct this project and am sparing myself from outerwear for quite some time.
At Crown Tourney, I had a couple of major brain waves about projects for next year. I found some lovely trim (Calontir Trim was there and I did good, only bought two things!) that has inspired a replacement for the Red/Green Dress, which a) no longer fits my biceps because lifting and b) disintegrated in the wash after the cat got trapped in the closet with it.
My original November goals were:
Finish the faldrilla.
Make a sayuelo.
Knit garters.
Since I have finished the faldrilla, and don't hate myself enough to make a sayuelo right now, I think I'm going to adjust this a little bit. My new November goals are:
Finish the stocking.
Make more progress on the Green Saya.
Start knitting the garters.
This frees December up for finishing the garters, planning for 2022, making some calzas, and starting a habito with the sari I'd originally intended for the Love and Beauty outfit.