The Many and Varied Works of Mariana
A Minor Foray Into Hiberno-Norse
A brief exploration of Hiberno-Norse and Viking for St. Paddy’s Day Bloodbath 2021.
June 2021 Recap: Ooo Pretty-Shiny!
June 2021 recap: choosing a new SCA name and lots of other little stuff.
The Impulse Pretty-Shiny
I get distracted and finally get around to trying goldwork for the first time.
Summer University 2021 Debrief
Summer University class summaries.
Known World Colegio de Iberia 2021 Debrief
A brief synopsis of the classes taken at the Known World Colegio de Iberia 2021
May 2021 Recap: Moving Right Along
May 2021 recap: I move apartments, finish the gray saya, and once again reevaluate my priorities.
Domingo Ram Gray Saya
My recreation of the gray saya featured in Domingo Ram’s The Birth of Saint John the Baptist.
April 2021 Recap: Still Chugging Along
April 2021 recap: the beginnings of the Domingo Ram saya, some knitted stockings, and musings on moving.
March 2021 Recap: Getting Back on the Horse
March 2021 recap: camisas, cofias, and apartment leases.
February 2021 Recap: Heck Your Cutlery Metaphor
February 2021 recap featuring: not much of anything, including energy and motivation.
January 2021 Recap: A Solid Start
January 2021 project progress: sleeves, Salome’s cofia tester, and an unpredictably shaped fabric order.
Possibly, Potentially, Maybe a Tabardo?
I went in knowing nothing, and I now know slightly less nothing.
Project Planning for 2021: The Compton Wardrobes
Planning out my 2021 project list and garb goals.
Reflecting on 2020
Dolled Up- But Not For Long
Tempore Atlantia 2021 Entry- Late 15th C Spanish Women’s Everyday Wear
The completed Tempore Atlantia outfit in all its glory.
Redoing the Camisa
Re-construction a camisa, one failure at a time.
Headwear Is My Nemesis- Usually
My first attempt at a cofia y tranzado
Heraldry Update: We’re Trying Again
Resubmitting my arms
Fall University 2020: My First (Real) University Class!
Teaching my first class at Atlantian University on monochrome embroidery throughout the world!